

International Seminar|CONNECTIVITY AS A METHOD?
- The Future of Biennales and Triennales

The Organizing Committee for Yokohama Triennale and Agency for Cultural Affairs co-organize the International Seminar “CONNECTIVITY AS A METHOD? - The Future of Biennales and Triennales” at Yokohama Museum of Art on September 27.
As we see a surge in the number of biennales/triennales/festivals held in Japan today, we also see the transition of such recurring exhibitions becoming multi-centric in location and diverse in their methods as a result of globalization.
Since entering the 21st century, Venice Biennale and documenta are no longer the only models; recurring exhibitions are taking new roles in community rejuvenation, city branding, tourism and fostering creative industry, in addition to providing experimental and alternative ways of working with artists and presenting their works.
The international seminar “CONNECTIVITY AS A METHOD? - The Future of Biennales and Triennales” invites curators and organizers of biennales/triennales/festivals from different parts of the world, to think about why biennales/triennales/festivals are relevant and what kind of career building and organizational structures are best suited for a sustainable future of biennales/triennales/festivals.
In order to discuss these agenda from multiple levels, the seminar will be held in two parts. The first part will be a focused discussion among professionals and the second part will be a more open discussion on how biennales/triennales/festivals connect with the different aspects of society including politics and economy and what the future may be biennales and triennales. 

The seminar will take place in conjunction with Yokohama Triennale 2017 and the General Assembly of the IBA (International Biennial Association) to be held in Yokohama.

Part1: Discussions “Where Are We Now? What are our strategies? How are we to implement them?”  
10:00-12:00, September 27 at the Circular Forum, Yokohama Museum of Art

DISCUSSION 1 “Why Biennales and Triennale? New challenges, models and strategies”
DISCUSSION 2 “How do we develop professional skills in biennales and triennales?”

WRAP-UP SESSION “Where Are We Now? What are our strategies? How are we to implement them?”

*Condition for participation: To be able to communicate in English and to have experience working for art festivals or projects, international exhibitions or to have published a paper on these events.
*Capacity: 30 (15 for each discussion)

Part2: International Seminar “CONNECTIVITY AS A METHOD? - The Future of Biennales and Triennales”
13:30-16:00 (Doors open: 13:00), September 27 at the Lecture Hall, Yokohama Museum of Art

FUKUTAKE Soichiro (Honorary Adviser, Benesse Holdings, Inc.)
Thiago DE PAULA SOUZA (Curator and educator, member of 10th Berlin Biennale curatorial team)
Bige ÖRER (Director of Istanbul Biennale / Vice President, IBA )
YAMAIDE Jun’ya (Executive Director of NPO “BEPPU PROJECT” / Artist)
OSAKA Eriko (Director, Yokohama Museum of Art / Co-Director, Yokohama Triennale 2017 / IBA Board Member)  *Moderator

*Japanese/English simultaneous interpretation is available.
*Capacity: 200 (Pre-registration required; first come, first served basis)

For further information on the program and for registration, please see the following link:


Dates Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Holding Time Part1: 10:00~12:00
Part2: 13:30~16:00
Capacity Part1: 30 (15 for each discussion)
Part2: 200 (Pre-registration required; first come, first served basis)
Admission fee Free
Organizer Organizing Committee for the Yokohama Triennale, Agency for Cultural Affairs
Cooperation: IBA (International Biennial Association)