1. Basic policy
The Organizing Committee for Yokohama Triennale (hereafter the Committee) collects information about users of this website necessary for the smooth operation of the services that it provides through the Yokohama Triennale website (hereafter this Website). The Committee considers this personal information to be data that requires careful attention and handling. In addition to complying with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and ordinances, the Committee strives to handle this information appropriately within the scope of the purposes for which it is intended, with strict control over how it is collected, stored and used.
2. Personal information
For the purposes of this privacy policy, “personal information” refers to any information voluntarily provided of your own free will through this Website that allows one to identify you as a specific individual, such as your name, telephone number, address, email address, age, etc.
3. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
This Website explicitly states the purposes for which it collects and handles the personal information of its users. As a general rule, it uses fair and legitimate means to obtain this personal information by specifying and making explicit in advance the purposes for which it will be used. In addition, all personal information received from users of the Website will in principle only be used for these individually specified purposes.
To deliver confirmation of user applications and requests for press releases and other similar documents, and to send email. To send materials and other information regarding various events.
– To handle inquiries relating to various services.
– To make improvements to these various services.
– To perform statistical analysis of personal information, and create statistical data processed in a way that does not permit individual persons to be identified.
4. Handling of personal information
Necessary measures will be taken to keep the personal information that we collect accurate and up to date, as well as to prevent the leakage, loss, destruction or falsification of this information. Personal information that is no longer required will be promptly deleted and disposed of. In order to facilitate the smooth execution of duties and procedures, the Committee may delegate a portion of its tasks to external contractors. In the event of such outsourcing, contracts governing the appropriate use and handling of personal information will be signed between the Committee and these subcontractors, and the Committee will ensure that such appropriate measures are taken.
5. Providing personal information to a third party
All personal information received from users of this Website will not be disclosed or provided to third parties, except in the following circumstances.
– When the consent of the person providing the information has been obtained, especially in respect of the disclosure of this information to a third party.
– When this personal information has been requested in accordance with an Act, law or ordinance.
– When disclosing information to subcontractors described in (no.4) that is necessary to fulfill applicable tasks.
6. Request for disclosure and amendments to registered information
The Committee will respond to requests to disclose, amend or suspend use of one’s own personal information after verifying that the person who submitted the request is the person in question.