Artists - Y

Toshihiro Yashiro (Japan)
Born in 1970 in Saitama, Japan. Lives and works in Saitama.
Yashiro studied film and theater at Tama Art University.
He embarked on the “Space Series Sento [bath house]” series in 1996 and has since continued to pursue experimental
art that explores the possibilities of photographic expression.
Yashiro has, in recent years, become known for his Kaitenkai series of work in which his own physical movements are incorporated
into his images. Yashiro’s work has been selected for
many international exhibitions including “Lust and
Leer: Contemporary Japanese Photography” (Kunsthalle Wien,
1997) and Arles
Festival 2000 (France, 2000). In Yokohama 2005, Yashiro will
be exhibiting the Kaitenkai series which he first began in
2000. The catalyst for the appearance of Yashiro within specific
scenes or landscapes in his own photographs was his participation
in the “IMAGES AU CENTRE 01, Photographie Contemporaine,
Architecture et Paysage” (architecture and landscape)
exhibition, a joint project between the French Government
and the Pompidou Center, held in September 2001.
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Yao Jui-Chung (Taiwan)
Born in 1969 in Taipei, Taiwan. Lives and works in Taipei.
Yao, who graduated from National Institute of Arts
with a degree in Art Theory in 1994 and is currently Associate
Professor of Shih Chen University,
primarily creates installations featuring photographs. The World is for
which Yao will be showing at Yokohama 2005 is one of a series of video installations
that he has been developing since 1997 that feature Chinatowns throughout
the world as the principle motif. Yao revisits issues such as identity, globalization
and localization in a complex society. He continues to participate in major
international exhibitions including the Venice Biennale (the Taiwan Pavilion)
in 1997, “Libido of Death” (Lee Ka-Sing Photo Gallery, Toronto,
2002) and the “Promenade
in Asia - Cute” (Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Japan, 2001).
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Tomoko Yoneda + Ashiya City Museum of Art
& History + Volunteer group Tomato (Japan)
Tomoko Yoneda, born in 1965 in Hyogo, Japan. Lives and works
in London.
The volunteer group Tomato was formed by ten members of the
Ashiya City Volunteer Committee – originally formed
when the earthquake struck the Kansai area – after the
disbandment of the committee. Tomato’s focus is on providing
ongoing emotional support to residents after the earthquake,
while particular mention should be made of the group’s
preservation and utilization of photographic documentation
of the earthquake through in exhibitions and photographic
collections. Public recognition of Tomato’s low-profile
activities resulted in the group receiving the Hyogo Prefecture
Kusunoki Prize in 2003.
Tomoko Yoneda is a photographer who has continued to photograph
images based on the theme of historical memories. This work
represents photographs taken by Yoneda of the disaster area
as it appears today, a project undertaken at the request of
the Ashiya City Museum of Art and History to mark the 10th
anniversary of the unparalleled Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake
that also affected Akashi, Yoneda’s birthplace. These
are not photographs that demonstrate the extent of the reconstruction
that took place after the earthquake, nor are they a record
of the results of that reconstruction. The main aim behind
these photographs is the visualization of a history –
the passing of ten years – that cannot otherwise be
seen. From between the black and white photographs taken by
Yoneda immediately after the Earthquake in 1995 and the scenes
of the disaster area that the volunteer group Tomato led Yoneda
to in 2004 emerges the passing of time.
Volunteer group Tomato
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