Brief record |
自らの戦争体験をつきつめ、溶断した鉄、硫黄の結晶、酸素ボンベ、塩といった物質を素材とした重量感のある作品を制作、日本の現代彫刻を代表する作家として評価を得る。また、離れた土地にいる自分の体温をデータとして毎日、展覧会場に送り、観客がその温度を体感するインスタレーションなど、物質との関係のなかに、生命の根源を問うている。 90年ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ日本代表、97年第2回光州ビエンナーレに参加。97年から98年にかけて、東京国立近代美術館と京都国立近代美術館で個展「村岡三郎展-熱の彫刻-物質と生命の根源を求めて」が開催された。
Born in Japan in 1928. Lives and works in Japan. Muraoka is one of the most prominent contemporary sculptors in Japan. Inspired by his own war experience, Muraoka makes massive works using materials like fused iron, crystallized sulfur, oxygen cylinders and salt. He searches for the root of life in relation to materials. In his recent installation, he stayed far away from the venue, where he took his temperature and sent the data to the exhibition room every day. The temperature of the exhibition room was adjusted to his temperature so that viewers could experience it. At the YOKOHAMA 2001, Muraoka will put a lot of salt into a room and equip the room with the above temperature system .International exhibitions: Venice Biennale in 1990 representing Japan, the 2nd Kwangju Biennale in 1997. Exhibitions in Japan: A solo exhibition "Muraoka Saburo - Sculpture of Heat - In Search for Root of Life and Material" at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo and the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto 1997- 1998. |