Mathias Poledna
Mathias Poledna (Austria)
Born 1965 in Vienna. Lives and works in Los Angeles.
As a conceptual artist, the works of Poledna involve images and installations to reveal the history of modernism in film, architecture, and design and the interrelationship between pop culture and the avant-garde. He carefully disentangles the historical memories integrated in the cultural structure. He attempts to share a situation in the past by employing a sound source recorded in the past or using an old recording studio to make a new recording.

"Version", 2004
16mm b/w film, no sound, 10:10min. 16 mm frame enlargement[br] Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne; Galerie Meyer Kainer, Viena; Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles